The Book Club
More Books, Less Money
Become a Book Club Member!
$5.55 a month for 5 Books!
Swap those books all month if you want!
What are some of the benefits of being a Book Club Member?
You pay $5.55 a month for up to five books a month, but it’s even better than that…
Becoming a Book Club Member is the best way to start investing in books and building up your own personal library to enjoy and share with others. There is no better way to do it!

Pay just $1 per book plus tax.
You can take and keep up to 5 books each month for $5.55, which is just a little over a dollar per book.
If you can’t make it out here one month, don’t worry, you can roll your books over to the next few months and pick up a bunch of books at once. We’re pretty chill about that.

Swap those books 1 to 1.
All month long!
If you’re done with a book and you want to swap it for another one, come on out and bring it back (in good condition) and you can swap 5 books one-for-one.
Got other books at home that you don’t read anymore? Bring them to swap!
If you want to swap lots and lots of books, that is unlimited: you can swap as many books as you want at 4 to 1 (we do this at public book sales as well.)

Shop at your convenience.
Do you keep missing the public Book Liquidation Sales?
Book Club Members can shop all week long, in a help-yourself-to-the-books, make yourself at home manner.
Members can shop Monday-Saturday from 9-5. It’s paying $5.55 to be support a library but you get to keep 5 books a month to build your personal library.
Library Fines???
When my kids were little, one of our favorite things was to come home from the Library with stacks and stacks of books. I grew up loving books and so did my kids.
The problem was, when life got the best of me, I was often left with steep fines (about 3 times a year I had fines totaling as much as $50.) I Paid my fines, but I had nothing to show for it.
At that point I started changing the way I thought about books, from borrowing, to investing. Asking kids to learn to love books but never be able to keep them is just doesn’t seem like the best way to have them make friends with books. How about thinking about helping them to create their own personal book collections, or personal libraries? We can help you do that!
Additionally, Swell Swap Book Club is ideally suited to have you refine your book collections because we make it so easy to swap out books.
We’re excited about building a reading community.
And we are planning to have great prizes and events open only to Book Club Members
This is to say “Thank you for your constant support of our family business we’ll give you special benefits throughout the year. If you decide that the Book Club is not for you, you can cancel at any time. We don’t make you sign up for a year or six months.
* If you are already signed up as a Book Club Member and you want to keep the same deal you had when you signed up, you can do that! If you want to sign up with this deal and cancel your other one, please message me and I’ll help you take care of that! Thank you for being a member!
But becoming a Book Club Member is about more.
It’s also about supporting us through the leaner parts of the year, so that we can pay the electric, pay our mortgage, pay our employees and continue to buy books.
When you support our bookstore in this way, you help us continue to serve the community and be around for a long time. By becoming a Book Club Member, you get the best way to build a personal library for yourself and loved ones, and you help others.

- Get first news on any new books we see that we really like.
- Be a part of a supportive community that keeps Swell Swap Books in business for the long term.
- Help us buy more books.
- Help me quit my side job so I can be more available at the bookstore.
- Help us make improvements at the bookstore and host great events for the community.
Ready to build your own personal library?
Or help someone you love build theirs?