Thank you for hanging in with us as we’ve made some necessary adjustments to our schedule. We have done our best to create opportunities for everyone to have a chance to shop with us and take advantage of our wonderful deal to build personal libraries and purchase books to share with other people.

So…When is the Bookstore Open to the Public?
That’s pretty easy and straightforward (Book Club Members, you can scroll down a bit for information that applies to you!)
The bookstore will be open to the public on the second weekend of each month counting from Friday.
So, for instance, this month, the second Sunday is on Mother’s Day, but the second Friday doesn’t occur until the 13th of May. Always check when the second Friday is, that is the weekend we’ll be open.
Books are still $2 Each and We’ll still swap books 4 to 1.
That means that you can bring in a box of books (in good condition) and get a really sweet deal on new-to-you books, and we can keep the prices down for all of our book lovers in our community. And, of course, we’re always grateful for donations.
If that seems confusing to you, here’s what you can do:
- Contact me:
- Follow us on Facebook and be sure to click on our Facebook Events.
- Better yet, sign up for our newsletter called, The Inside Scoop.
You can also reserve a time to shop with your friends and family.
Message me up to a week in advance, if you have 3 or more paying shoppers, and we’ll arrange for the bookstore to be open for you and one of us to attend to you. If you let me know that you’d like it, I’ll even make sure there is coffee there for you (and you can always bring in snacks.) It could be a fun and low-key party for book-lovers. It sounds fun to me!!! But then, that’s just the way that I am.
Book Club Members: Your Hours won’t Change
But some things will. Let’s talk about how this will work for you.

You will still be able to shop from Monday-Saturday, 9-5
As many of you know, we live just behind the bookstore and we are in and out all day. We’re so glad to have you come by when it works for you and treat the bookstore as your personal lending library, with the perks of keeping up to ten books a month (or more. Read on to find out how.)
You’ll pick out your books as usual and just sign our notebook.
As you know, we have had great experiences with how honest and caring our community is, and we haven’t regretted going on the trust system. When you sign the notebook it helps you remember when you were last in the bookstore and how many books you chose to take with you.
You can bring up to 10 books to swap each time 1 to 1.
That means, if you come with 10 good condition books, you can take 10 books home with you (in addition to the 10 that you already get that month for being a Book Club Member.) We’ll have a shelf for you to place your books on that you bring in for swapping.
What if you bring more than 10 books to swap???
That’s okay too, you can swap those at a rate of 4 to 1. You can choose 1 book for each 4 books you bring in. Say you bring in 26 books. 10 of those you can swap out 1 to 1 (that means 10 books you can get,) 16 of those you can swap 4 to one (that means 4 more books for you to take home,) plus you get ten more for being a Book Club Member. That’s 24 books that you can take home that day with you (oh dear, math… and I thought we were all about reading.)
If you want simply to donate books, if you want to bring in a box of books, but you only want to take home 10 books, that is great! We know that families with little kids are more likely to want to maximize their memberships and get as many books for their kids as they can, others may be trying to declutter and share books they aren’t reading while taking home new-to-them books. We’re flexible. You do what works for you.
If you want to buy even more books, all at once…
We realize that it’s possible that some Book Club Members will want to buy even more books, especially teachers and families with lots of little kids. You can do that by paying just $1 per book.
How to pay? There are a few ways:
- We’ll have a money jar and you can put cash into it for the amount of books you need to pay for (after accounting for your 10 monthly books and your book swaps.) Just pay one dollar per book please. We’ll check the jar periodically and put the money in the cash drawer at home.
- You can knock on the door at the house behind the bookstore and we’ll be so glad to come over and help you (if we’re not at the bookstore when you’re there.)
- If you prefer, you can just message me the amount you owe and I can send you a PayPal link to pay online.
We’re not stressed-out about you paying, we don’t want you to be either.
Contact me:
- Have any questions? Click on this link to find my contact information:
- Have an idea for an event that you’d like us to host? I am crazy about creative ideas!!! You can look at all of the things I’ve been saving on Pinterest by the way…
We really love the community aspect of our bookstore
We want to keep on serving our community with the intent to grow it into a thriving business that will last years and years. We also want to do that in a way that makes it affordable for parents and grandparents to buy books for their kids, and teachers to buy books for their classrooms.
Thank You!
Thank you, thank you for all that you have done to be a part of our community.
P.S. if you don’t have a Book Club Membership and you want one, just go here: